Friday, June 27, 2008

The East Texas Gailey's

Hi, we are The East Texas Gailey's! There's Suzanne ( Mom), Troy (Dad), Meagan ( Oldest child, daughter,and older sister), And last but not least Jared (youngest child, son, and younger brother). To be a little more specific....

This is my Dad A.K.A. Smiley!! If you are in our family you will get that joke!! He is the BEST! He loves playing X BOX wich makes him even cooler!! He is also really fun and funny!

This is my Mom she is one of those people who can work till their fingers bleed! She is AWESOME!!!! She is also a labor and delivery nurse witch i guess will come in handy one of theese days!

This is Jared, my annoying, fun, 8 year old, and sometimes hilarious brother. He (just like his dad) loves video games. He plays baseball and he is a really good batter. He has hit so many homeruns for his team this season that I lost count!! He also plays short stop and he is pretty good at that too! He also likes to hang out with his Pops. Pops has a goat farm and Jared likes all that country and all the goats and sheep!

And then there is me, Meagan, the older sister. I am 12 years old and will be 13 in november!!!!! YAY! I love to play basketball and volleyball. And i will be going into Jr. High next year. I know scary rite!!! I also love to sew. I know it's kinda different but thats me!!!!! I also have anotherblog of my own. i dont update it frequently so if you want some news about us then you might as well look at this one!!!!

Well now you know us pretty well!! Keep reading for more updates on whats goin on with The East Texas Gailey's!!!!


Troy said...

That's a dysfunctional family if I have ever seen one. Except that song "Train" is awesome. The dude must be cool that picked that.